Student Leadership

Roslyn Primary School offers a diverse range of leadership opportunities for all students in our senior years to actively involve students in the life of the school.

School Captains, House Leaders, Student Voice Team Leaders, Positive Behaviour Leaders, Library Leaders, Visual Arts Leaders, Multicultural Leaders, Performing Arts Leaders, Digital Learning Leaders, and Sustainability Leaders are the official teams students are leaders of. 

All senior students participate in an annual ‘Leadership Forum’ to focus on public speaking, what makes a good leader, organisations and team skills, and problem solving.  Our student leaders are our role models, and as role models our students act with care, courtesy and reliability, positivity and enthusiasm, empathy, manners and good grace, and self-control.

Our School Captains have key responsibilities to represent the school at official and unofficial events.  They are responsible for planning and running our weekly assemblies, and meet on a regular basis with our principal team.  Our School Captains are involved in classroom observations on a regular basis where they sit in on classes and discuss what they see and hear in their observations, reflecting with our leadership team on how we can improve all aspects of school life.

Our House Leaders are sports leaders who organise their teams, sports equipment and build positive team spirit, attitudes and efforts.  They are responsible for organising sporting events such as our athletics carnival, and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Our Student Voice Team is made up of a selection of leaders who are passionate about school improvement and ensuring that students have the opportunity to input into all aspects of school life.  The Student Voice Team meet each fortnight as the student pulse, having canvased students around key issues and discussion points.  The team action the realistic ideas of all students and provide key feedback and input to the school leadership team and school council.